Rock and Pop- What would you give to work with the musician/band of your choice?

I would give my comics, comfy wheelie chair, and my drawings to work with Michael Angelo Batio, Mikael Ackerfeldt, Lauryn Hill or India Ari (from the top of my head at least).

What about you all, m'dear lovely users?

BQ- Ask me something. I'm bored.

BQ2- What's something you want to know the answer to?
Me, this-****-fillipino-f-pics.jpg

Thanks everyone!


@Fcksme- I love blackgaze, particularly when I'm doing busy work or when I'm contemplative. Good music in general though. And yes, I've heard of those, I have a good bit of Alcest in my collection :) Try Amenra and Blut Aud Nord on for size.


I'm not sure what you mean by the second question though.


About BQ2, I'm putting in that my vote would be crocs, no one dares mess with them.


@Luvaddict- Yes, that happens from time to time. Usually when my muse is gone I take a step back, play some games or read or listen to music, and just wait for an idea to come.

@DWT- Because Serj is just beast like that? :P

@[XII] Gloomy lights- Nope, am I damned because of that? :/

@Sir W- Hey! lol I was wondering where ya ran off to, how ya been?


@Kurama- take bets on the outcome and do fun dares :P


Favorite Answer

Believe it or not I actually don't care about working with any of the musicians I like. I'm pretentious and would want to write everything myself, anyway. You'd be my musician of choice!

BQ: Since I just had jury duty, what fun things would we do if we were on a jury together? :p

BQ2: Your link doesn't work.
I want to know where the ark of the covenant is.


I don't know what I would give up... Quite a bit if actually presented the chance... But as of now, it's hypothetical, and I don't want to think about getting rid of stuff.
I would love to work with Mike Mangini, John Petrucci, James LaBrie, John Myung, and Jordan Rudess...

BQ: How many people do you estimate will get a virus from that link?

BQ2: How the universe began, why we are here, how quantum physics works and can be applied, and why some people don't care about the answers to my previous questions...

EDIT - Oh hey, Anjellex. Didn't realize that was you. Never mind, people won't get viruses.

EDIT(2): I ran off to South Dakota, Colorado, my Father's house some in the summer, and High School. How've you been?

(Not actually ran off)


I'd give up videogames for a year for 5 minutes with Stephen Christian of Anberlin. The guy is a lyrical genius so i think it would be really interesting to get into a philosophical conversation with him.

BQ: Have you ever had an extended period of time where your muse abandons you and you can't seem to draw anything for awhile, and how do you get out of those? I hate when this happens to me.

BQ2: Hmm...I've always wanted to know what animals think in terms of. Do they think in images, their own language, or something else that is too complex for me to understand? I know I'm never going to get an answer, but still.

Esoteric Order of Dagon2013-08-21T21:01:23Z

Honestly... put it like this: if I imagine my favourite band and I was given the chance to work with them in a permanent position but I had to tear up my degree to do it I would do so in a heartbeat. Call me a fan boy but I can always work for another degree but a chance like this would be one in a lifetime.

BA: I don't know what to ask you. Have you accepted Neptune as your lord and saviour?

BA2: How do I get the Chinese girl at my club to bang me?

Death Walking Terror2013-08-21T20:30:54Z

I would sell my soul and all my personal possessions to get to record an album with Cannibal Corpse. Or maybe Serj Tankian, I dunno. Either of those two. Today is the latter's birthday btw ^.^

BQ: Why is Serj Tankian such a musical genius with beautiful works that invoke deep, meaningful thinking? (Loaded question, I know)


I don't get why he hates Petsmart o.o

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