Atheists, what subjects do you thoroughly research?

It seems that the typical atheist knows a lot about cosmology, physics, biology, sociology, politics and culture. Yet, most atheists I talk to know close to nothing about classical philosophy, theology, religion, language, cultural Marxism, Leninism, satanism, Theosophy, history, or the actual origins of most ideologies that define the world system today.

Actually, they don't seem to even realize that these subjects are even still definitive in modern society.


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I thoroughly research pregnancy actually, it is my personal area of interest and career choice as well.

I'm allowed to believe as I will based on my own life experiences without studying things you consider important you know? This is a 'free' world and all...


Astronomy/Astrophysics, Technology, and Futurology are my favorite topics, especially since I believe the three are inexorably intertwined. I study some Biology (esp. Evolutionary Biology) since the topic inevitably comes up in discussions with theists. And I also love Art and Music.

As for the topics you mentioned, I have absolutely no interest in Philosophy. I took a Philosophy class in college, but when one studies Astrophysics and other sciences, Philosophy seems primitive and mundane by comparison. When the professor went over the topics of the size, shape, and nature of the universe, I found myself having to refrain from rolling my eyes. History, I enjoy to some extent, especially World War II. Having read the Communist Manifesto and Animal Farm, I am fairly well acquainted with Marxism and Leninism. As for religion, I have read the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita, so I have a some grasp on .Judaism/Christianity and Hinduism, but I admit I don't much about Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, or any of the other major religions. I would like to the Dhammapada, the Tao Te Ching, and the Koran some day.


> "Actually, they don't seem to even realize that these subjects are even still definitive in modern society." <

Actually, you just generalized about a whole bunch of disparate individuals on the basis of a single point of unbelief, which confers no inherent relation to any of those subjects. Maybe you're talking to the wrong atheists, because most of the ones I've encountered know more about religion and philosophy than your average theist.


personally i'm obsessed with unsloved murders and unidentified bodies. i'm convinsed many people on the "unidentified" sites are posted on the "missing" sites. and it's only a matter of viewers recognizing similarities between the two.

over 60 cases have been solved this way at

the charley lists over 9000 missing people. i know all of them by heart. been doing this for 7 years. havent found any myself but i still search every single day. i will not give up.


or the actual origins of most ideologies that define the world system today.

- The catholic church kept people stupid for 1500 years with the Dark Ages, why do we need to understand their arrogance to not wnat them to do it again.

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