Has anyone ever met up with one of their Y/A contacts?

I was just curious about that. It seems that there is plenty of opportunity for people to get into deep, maybe intimate communication. I was wondering if it ever went further than IM e-mail or phone. It seems like this could be as good a place as any to begin an online, and maybe, a real relationship.

Land of the free2013-08-23T09:48:49Z

Favorite Answer

Honestly, in my opinion on line relationships are full of deception.
People fronting big time about who they really are.
You just never know how a person truly lives until the
relationship becomes upfront, personal, and close.
Don't look to get real serious to fast. just have
fun with it. I personally would not want to meet
anyone on here or any other site for that matter.

Good Luck


No I haven't and to be perfectly frank most of the people I've seen on Y/A scare me.