How many Muhammads in the world?

I'm sure this has been asked by someone, somewhere, but,

I've noticed that the name "Muhammad" is extremely popular in the Middle East.
When someone calls out "Muhammad, come here!"
Do twenty people come running up?

Or in school, if there are 10 guys named Muhammad in the same class, do the teachers refer to them by their last name or what?

I was in a class with 2 other guys with the same name as me once, and that was confusing, I can't imagine if half the class had the same name.

Sky Is The Limit.2013-08-23T13:53:50Z

Favorite Answer

It is most popular no dough about it.
Have you heard the story of Muhammad Ashara?

Well , this guy was in one of the US University with one of the very famous Islamic scholar, where up on one day, this friend, SCHOLAR, asked Muhammad Ashara about his last name, as where those it come from ? Is it a family name? He said

'no , it isn't family name.My father had 10 sons. ' Ashara by the way in Arabic mean number ten...
' and his father loved Muhammad name so much that he disided to name all of his son Muhammad. So , in order to know who is who, he named them Muhammad and no, two .. and I HAPPENED TO BE NUMBER TEN! ......Muhammad Ashra!!!!!"

☪ Chaudry2013-08-23T14:20:22Z

LOL! Nah I think they turn around and verify if they know the guy calling their name.
And in my class there are 2 Muhammads and my teacher calls them by their full names lol.
And it's usually not like that, the teacher usually looks at the Muhammad she's talking to, and it's not that common (like 10 people, usually it doesn't go over two).


Lol at my highschool in USA just in 1 class we had like 3 Muhammads. Its the most used name in the world.

❥ .Ema .❥2013-08-23T13:58:18Z

Yeah they get called with their surnames. Anyway its not really that much of a big deal. We Muslims love and respect a blessed name of the greatest man that walked down on the face of this earth. So its only natural for a Muslim to call their kid the name of their master and a name they admire immensely.

P.S-I apologize if your a Muslim :)

-Salam (Peace be upon you) xx


I've heard that there are about 70 million Mohammed in the world :)

Hardly, you can find a muslim family without Mohammed :D

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