Are chameleons hard to raise?


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Well the ones on yahoo answers aint hard to raise esp the Troll coloured ones which have the yellow streak down their backs but im sure even you wouldn't want one of them.....


I have had chameleons and it was far too difficult to explain..somehow I managed to keep them alive for their normal life span, but tbh I have no clue how I did it. They get stressed very very easily (like the other comment said) when I fed it I had to stare out the window while attempting to keep the animal in the tank, and get the food in the bowl. Through trial and error I learned where to look and when. I would not recommend this pet to anyone who isn't highly experienced with animals. They are nearly impossible. Hope I helped!


Well, they certainly are NOT beginner reptiles. Just looking at them can stress them, and especially handling them. They're best kept for very experienced reptile owners.