Do you think Yahoo should allow asking questions to particular persons on Y!A?
or Y!A should combine with so that people may ask questions to specific persons?
Thank you :)
@george, i am 20 and yahoo messenger/email option is deactivated by most user (even i have also deactivated that) :) thank you for your answer BTW
@jenny how many of people want to connect yahoo users on facebook
@people: asking questions to specific person is not chatting, i guess.
Favorite Answer
That's why we have the option to use Yahoo Messenger. It allows the users as much anonymity as possible. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh Ask.FM? Worst idea in history being filled by those from 11-21 years of age and the rest are trolls. I KNOW you aren't over thirty just from that question. That's a bad idea to combine these two styles.
Exactly. That is the anonymity I was talking about. They don't WANT personal questions from people they do not know. You seem to agree on both accounts. A user's right to choice and askFM's demographic target.
First they have general questions. Next up are anonymized eMail messages for those that want to get a bit more personal but not too personal. Next up is yahoo messenger. Messenger is very flexible too. shows you how to anonymously use an alias and still keep your eMail private. Next up is eMail which is an obviously personal transition from Y!A user over to friends. Next up is their phone and finally home address. There are many more sub-levels but suffice to say there is one for most every person. It is up to the user to learn/take advantage of the one that best fits them and their style.
I don't think so. The whole point of Y!A is that you get tips from unknown people. I don't think you would be asking specific people you don't know questions, and if you did know the person just send them a message or talk to them I'm person.
Well Anden,If you had asked this question a few hours ago probably my answer would have been no.But now my answer is yes.B'coz I am extremely upset with one of my contact's answer today.I think I don't even exist for that person which was why he gave such a hurting answer. Don't fret my friend its definitely not you.
If you've ever been curious to know who asks you anonymous questions on, you can find out by using this anonymous finder.
It reveals the username of the anonymous on!!