Boyfriend cheated on me twice. What do I do?

So me and my boyfriend Derek just got a really nice condo together. Everything was going great until one day things just started to go downhill. One day I came home early and I thought he was still at work. I walk in and see another women dressed like a maid who was pulling up her panties and her bra undone. Derek was right next to her, his hair messy, his shirt unbuttoned and his shoes off. He introduced us and said that this was our maid or whatever because he got a promotion at his job. We celebrated that night and I told the maid she could go home and start her job in the morning. Then all of a sudden it hit me. He was cheating on me. That night I told him how I felt about it and he apologized very sincerely. We had a bit of a fight but followed it up with makeup sex. I fell asleep right after that because I had work the next day. I set my alarm for 4 because I like to go for a morning run. I got dressed and went downstairs and what do I find! Derek and the maid naked on the couch acting like bunny rabbits. I yelled "Derek" at him and he fell of the couch. He walked up to me and apologized very sincerely. I told him not to do it again and he said he wouldn't. He didn't have to work that day so I went to work leaving him and the maid alone. What should I do? Should I break up with him? I love him and he's been very loyal to me up to now.


Favorite Answer

But ewww
How can you have that image of a girl pulling up her panties
And still look into he's eyes and see love there


I'd dump him
Your not in love
Your insecure
Break the shackles girl and liberate yourself


CC Sajathia.....,it's like this ma. if u continue 2 treat urself like a fool. so will he. 4 all u know he & that "so-called" maid got it in a couple more times when u foolishly left them alone in UR HOME!! stop being so blind 2 what's going on right in front of ur face. have sum pride in urself & do the thing that u fear most. dump his a$$ & "clean" that "maids" clock. if that's not ur thing, then just get the hell out of dodge. either way, u can't let this keep happening 2u without doing sumthing about it. think about it....he got sum a$$ 3x that day. from her. then u. then her again, & u caught him in the act TWICE!! now, who u r? the player or the 1 getting played. u know what u got 2 do. no condo is worth ur dignity, babygirl. push on!!!


Come-on now; your man apologized to you on his 1st offense but went right back to it on that same night? He sure is a very horny rabbit; show him the door and free yourself. Who knows what other stupid things he may have done?

There are plenty of guys out there; better to find someone who's really into you and ** ONLY you **; you'll have a hard time keeping his hands off of you hihi

Good luck!!


Stop believing his bull ****. He did once in front of you then again he will.not stop. No matter how much you love him you need to leave. Hes playing you like a fool, feel weak and takes advantage of it. Leave yes it'll be hard but just do it.


You only think he has been loyal up to now. Sorry but you are dreaming. Yes dump him unless you like being one of many. Think of STDs.

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