I was at the Million Man March 2 years ago and the people left the place a trash heap?

Don't get me wrong I'm all for equal rights!!!!
But it does say a lot about a race if they don't clean up after themselves...
I don't care if you're black, white, Asian, or whatever how can you expect equal rights if you don't clean up after yourself?????
I don't get it people!!!!


Guess what, I'm black!!!! So you can take that cupcake and shove it up your *** you mother f****** brownie... that's just like me saying looking at your picture you're a queer!!!


Wow, I feel sorry for you that you won't live up to YO Parents expectations!!! Fag


Oh Come now sir.... if you want to play with the big boys in polls and surveys you have to do better than that!!!!!!!!!


You're right! We will beat you down with experience to the point where you're probably slit your wrists... you weak s.o.b....... run as fast as you can before we bring you up to our level... run run run


Last time I talked to your parents you had your head that far up your ***!!! So far up your boyfriend was jealous


Unfortunately you would choke on your answer... lest we forget your head is up your *** and you would swallow your own sh*t!!! If you want to belittle yourself and answer this I would guess you win because I have better things to do. Thank you for letting me waste your time.. congratulations you're well on your way to being a polls
surveys type guy


Unfortunately you would choke on your answer... lest we forget your head is up your *** and you would swallow your own sh*t!!! If you want to belittle yourself and answer this I would guess you win because I have better things to do. Thank you for letting me waste your time.. congratulations you're well on your way to being a polls
surveys type guy

Castor Troy2013-08-24T23:24:46Z

Favorite Answer

I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't get my head that far up my a$$!

:speak English fvckstick!!!

I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and sh*t out a smarter statement than that.

Ok now gently remove your tampon from your a$$ and come up with some better material

Arent you late for a ricky martin concert?

I don't know about the surveys but I'm sure you love being on poles.