Does anyone know how to clean old dirty coins?

I have some old coins that are American nickels, dimes, quarters and a half dollar minted back in the 1960's when they were made with real silver...I apparently made them worse when I tried to clean them with Tarn-X cleaner, and then bleach, then spray and wash detergent, Fantastic cleaner, and other assorted cleaners I keep in my kitchen...
When I let them rest in the cleaner fluid, they went from just dirty to a black stain on each side of them...Is there a way to correct this or not?


Favorite Answer

Cleaning coins damages them. Go ahead and try what these other clowns are telling you to do, you've already ruined any value they might have had if you left them alone. Collectors will not buy cleaned coins. An old coin that's had its patina stripped off will never look new. It might look shiny for awhile, but it's not a natural, attractive look.


First thing to know is do not clean "key date" coins it will diminish their value. If you have coins that are not key dates and have silver content (40%) and you must clean them, you can use warm water and baking soda. Just rub the coin with the baking soda and water between your fingers then rinse.
Another way is to tumble them in a tumbler, you can get a Harbor Freight tumbler for about $39. Put 1/3 aquarium rocks and a handful of coins along with a couple drops of dish soap and a teaspoon of baking soda and tumble for 2 hours. You'll be amazed at how shiny they come out.


Yes it is a way to clean old dirty coins is by science
STEP 1 :- Put the coins in Vinegar for 4 hours
STEP 2 :- Voila!!!! The coins are looking very clean coins
That's how to do it


Believe it or not, Coke Cola works too. Now think about what it does to your stomach.. Mmmm