What Does This Quote Mean (It's From Thoreau)?

"Most men live lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."


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Most people don't follow their dreams and live according to the conventions of society

Tricksy Rabbit2013-08-26T21:26:40Z

This is a common misquote. Thoreau wrote: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.”

So, he's equating desperation with resignation and loss of the will to fight for what you want, or dream of, or believe in.


Men go to the grave with their dreams unfulfilled.
The meaning being that many people didn't have the inner strength to carry out their ambitions.

Alema Pequoia2013-08-26T13:57:55Z

People keep their dreams hidden inside themselves but are not desperate enough to let them fly; therefore, they die without achieving those goals (the song still in them).
