Why does ESPN make such a big deal out of pre-season NFL games?

After all, it is pre-season. These games are designed so that a team can see who is going to make
their team in the regular season and who won't. Wins not important here so why does ESPN get a
brain cramp over these meaningless games?


Favorite Answer

Because for better or worse (and mostly worse) It's Football; and these games get better ratings than real MLB games for the most part. ESPN is not over run with programming people actually watch in the first place.

We ask for it.


It's not just ESPN, but all sports analyst on all websites and sports shows. Sports analyst are very reactive to what they see without having any real perspective on the situation. People on ESPN and other shows, or websites overreact to everything they see. ESPN and others always seem to think that what happens in the preseason will translate into the regular season. I've seen many times ESPN, or a yahoo writer ask why isn't a player getting more playing time, but they fail to realize that stats and wins and loses in the preseason is meaningless and just because a team doesn't use a certain starter all that much in the preseason doesn't mean they won't use that player more come the regular season. It's the same with the off-season as well. ESPN might say a team had a great off-season, but until they see it translate in the regular season they don't have any real foresight to predict positive results from certain off-season acquisitions, or negative results from off-season losses.

College Football Is Like Quidditch2013-08-26T05:28:54Z

Unlike the other two brain dead answers, I know what you're talking about. ESPN is more of a gossip channel centered around sports. So in order to get more viewers, they hype these games up to be more than an exhibition game so people will watch their highlights. Granted it is fun to watch football after a long absence, but wake me up for the first regular season game.


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I can see from your picture that you are a Dodgers fan. Football and baseball are NO comparison. They show the NFL because it's THE MASTER of all sporting events. I would watch a pre-season football game over ANY World Series game. Stop crying about a mans sport

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