Do you know what your character would listen to?

Do you know what would be your main character's favorite song and/or band and why?

What about your villain?


Favorite Answer

Yes. music by Johnny Cash.
Cause he's a classic and deep kinda character.

My villian...trance music.


Indie music that nobody really knows about yet.
The villain is complicated but basically he doesn't really listen to music cause he's too busy plotting revenge.


My female lead in particular likes artists such as Madonna and Eminem. She likes Madonna due to her style and not being afraid to put herself out there and expressing her sexuality. She likes Eminem because she finds the lyrics in his songs to be relatable and straightforward....and it also relates to the upbringing she had growing up.

Haven't really thought about the villain....


yep Katy Perry - the part of me because whiles she's a girl girl she's a tough fighter as well

villain - Ohhh I have no idea...


Green Day

Likes it.