Have you ever considered money for your character?

Do you know how much money your character has in a savings account, checking account, retirement account, IRA, Cayman off shore holding account, etc? And what would your character do for a living to generate that money?

(And if your character is a minor still in school, what about their parents and or guardians?)


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In a way yes, when I was developing characters for my story I found or drew a picture of the house they lived in and the type of neighbourhood it was located in and also what kind of car(s) their parents had (the majority of characters are minors). I have never actually considered what their household income or savings might be but then being minors they don't exactly have control over this so I guess only the material wealth that they see their parents have is important.

I did consider the jobs that their parents had because this would influence their character although the parents actually play very little roles and probably their jobs will not even be mentioned it all helped build a stronger character and obviously if the job is their own it is very important to know what it is.


Oh wow. Um. I'll be honest, I'm not so good about that. Most of my characters have a tendency to be wards of the state to a degree, so it's generally assumed that the amount of money they have is about "enough"ish.


I haven't yet thought that our thoroughly. But I will think about it.