Does anybody really know I'm bi?

As an 18 year old guy I say I'm bi but the truth is I have never been with a girl. I really want to be, and at some point in the future I would really like to have a serious girl friend. I have been with more guys than I care to admit but if you met me you would think I was strait.

I'm a bit tormented because I'm in my first year of college and I don't want anyone to know about my bisexuality. More importantly I want to have a girl friend but I don't know where to start. If it was a guy I wanted to be with I would have no trouble but girls seem to be different. How can I ease into a relationship with a girl.

My greatest fear is that kids at my school would ever find out about my bisexuality, I'm just not comfortable with anyone knowing about it, I would be mortified.


Favorite Answer

CONFIDENCE! you are no longer in high school. no one really cares in college that you are Bi, unless you are going to a strict religious school. also, CONFIDENCE is what turns a woman onto a guy. you just have to be careful to be confident but NOT COCKY. there is a big difference. be yourself, do what you feel is right, ENJOY yourself. 18 is too young to be worried about a serious relationship. one out of 5 marriages end in divorce, this is hugely because people rush into it not knowing their partner or knowing themselves. find friends, hang out with them, get off with whomever you want to get off with and just enjoy life.

now, as a warning, BE CAREFUL! there are a lot of young guys who are socially inept who are preyed upon by older guys who take them into their clique, get them hooked on drugs, use them for sex and then when their life is completely RUINED, they drop them friends, no drugs, no sex. dont fall for that trap!

good luck and i hope you are able to enjoy this, the best time of your life!


I get where you're coming from, as I'm bi myself. It doesn't matter who you date first, a guy of a girl, you're not dating someone to impress your friend/family or the rest of the society. In college you have a clean slate - if you keep yourself hidden some people will be obviously surprised when you come out as bi, and being in the closet diminishes your chances of finding a male partner. There's nothing more I have to add to what has been said by others here. Hope this helps you :)


If they already know, that does not change your situation at all, as you are already in whatever it is. As far as their finding out in the future, how would they? Unless you are still with guys it seems unlikely and, even if you are, it isn't very likely that they will talk. Don't "contrive" to be with "a girl" just because it is a woman, but rather be honest about your feelings and emotions: If you are genuinely attracted to a girl simply be honest and let it flow naturally that you like her, without thinking about the past: Just present her with the truth that you like her, that you think her attractive, and see if she reciprocates. It is beter with human relations just to let the true feelings guide you. don't try to "construct" an artificial life, but be "real" about your true feelings.


Life is no bed of roses is it George. No one should have to declare their sexuality on way or the other to anyone. What you do in private should remain so, private. At 72, I have still not made up my mind one way or the other, Men/Women, I love the person, gender will follow. Don't be in such a hurry, just enjoy life.