Rock n Pop: What's a music cliche' you make it a point NOT to follow?

For me, it's that metal is all growling and talent-less nonsense. I admit, I wasn't always a big metal listener, and one of the reasons I started was to see if there was anything beyond heavy, angry/sad music with hardly any vocals (my thoughts back then, I was a bit close-minded and younger). I wanted to prove/disprove that stereotype for myself.

What about you guys?

BQ: Of the regs and users here, who's house would you want to tp?
I'd tp CF's house in rainbow colors, he'd probably join in the fun ^-^

BQ2: What's something important from your childhood that you possess still, if anything?
I still have this little Ty Beenie Baby named Freckles, he went everywhere with me.

Thanks everyone!


@Kurama- it's not meant as an insult...


@Captain Futility- rephrase: What stereotype do you try to disprove?


Favorite Answer

There's a cliche, or perhaps a stereotype, that all metalheads are violent and belligerent, where you know I'm a pacifist and absolutely hate any kind of confrontation or violent behaviour.

BQ: None, I'm not contributing to the weird insult war on here.

BQ2: My teddy bear. I've had him since the day I was born, he was my only friend when I was little.

Richard Cranium2013-08-27T12:48:45Z

I make a point to not follow musicians who don't play an actual instrument and write a decent and honest song. It's one thing to make a song with ableton, protools, and auto-tune and call your self a musician meanwhile all you "sing" about is how much money you make and how you're worth more than everybody else on earth. I disagree with what you say about metal - but I'm not going to get into it with you - it's just a matter of different opinion.

BQ: I haven't been on RNP or YA for a little over a year now. But if I do remember - Killer Peaches should probably have his house knocked down. I only say this because I remember the name - along with rnrstar, if he's even around anymore.

BQ2: I still have my first electric guitar that I got for Christmas when I was 5 years old. I did bastardize it and paint it neon green from it's original black.

Sanity In Pieces2013-08-27T13:24:18Z

I've noticed that people have this idea that fans of metal (I don't like the word "metalhead". I think it makes us sound dumb.) have to conform to a mold. Yes that mold might be quite large, encompassing many styles and preferences. However, I don't really fit into any metal stereotypes. I'm usually wearing lightly colored clothes, acting cheerful, and tend to listen to a bit of blues, jazz, pop, rock, electronica, classical, and pretty much whatever you can think of. Metal seems to be a central anchor for me due to its compatibility with nearly every musical genre. When I was a kid, I fit into your standard angst-filled "pop metal" stereotype.

BQ: I haven't been around in months, so I'm not familiar with the current regs. I'd tp Cj The Vampire's house. I'm pretty sure she's been gone longer than I have, but she seems fun. If I'm going to tp someone I don't like, I'd have to say Mr. Grimm. Not that I think he's a bad guy, but he gets annoying with his constant trolling.

BQ2: I have a 1964 Chevy Impala that belonged to my dad. As far as I know, I'm the only 18 year old (who doesn't have a wealthy family) in my town with a car that actually has some value. It's important to me because I used to play in it and imagine what it would be like to have one of my own.


I make a point of not listening to "arty" indie music that is a bunch of bizarre unlistenable sounds.
Traditional song structure + innovation is great, but methodless plonks and growls and tribal beats piss me off.

BA: Yours, of course ;)
BA2: An ice-cream tub full of Pokémon tazos - I ate so many bags of chips in the process of collecting those.

Edit: To clearly phrase this, I try to disprove the misconception that experimental music is good on the basis of being different or new. Tons of new & experimental things are failures created without regard for the listener.


All music in a particular genre is bad/boring/insert insult here.
There's just so much stuff out there that a lot of diversity exists even within genres. I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could find at least one band I like in every genre. The problem is how much crap I may or may not have to wade through in order to find at least one artist that's listenable.

BQ: I'm not a trouble maker so I think I'll sit this one out thank you very much.

BQ2: Lots of Pokemon stuff, Beanie Babies, an old game boy.

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