Richard L
Favorite Answer
Generally a Bachelors degree holder in an IT major can get a starting job on the $30,000-$35,000 range. This salary will depend on the part of the country you are in and other factors. With years and experience it is possible for this to double to triple.
Best wishes!
Bill Pate
Like the previous person depends on what part of the country. On average I would say you can expect at least $15-18 hour. The big thing about IT support is the line of work you are in. I have been a network and systems administrator for almost twenty years. Back in 1995 I started at $19 an hour, so you can see that wages have stagnated a large amount in my opinion. Most entry level help desk positions depend greatly on industry certifications and whether you have a college degree. If you want to get into IT support I would strongly advise you to get an associate's degree. Find a job and then figure out if you want to move on to a bachelors degree. You will get a much better return on your dollar if you take classes at a junior or community college.
From minimum wage level to higher. People who answer front-line tech support calls are probably not much higher than minimum wage (these jobs are often outsourced for a reason), as are people who sell crap at Best Buy. Programmers and electrical engineers would make more. Depends what you mean by IT - that's a huge domain.
Being kind of aware of computers doesn't pay much.
It totally depends on what job you will apply for. I know someone working in Singapore who gets paid $6,000 as an IT expert. I believe her job requires her to maintain her company's system. Not sure if that involves programming and stuff. If you want a higher-paying IT job, though, you need to get some experience first.