How would you find the man who is reporting all your answers?

He has reported over thirty today alone. I think I know who he is. I corrected his maths answers twice. It begins with 'C' but I can' remember it.


Favorite Answer

You can't - and it's highly unlikely to be one person.

If you got over thirty reports in a day, the chances are that you're breaking the guidelines in some obvious way, and so getting multiple independent reports.

A quick skim suggests, as JanetM says, that belligerent non-answers may be the issue. Answers that come down to "do your own homework" are clear-cut violations. It's also a violation not to answer, and merely comment on other answerers; and also to comment on others in insulting terms (e.g. "You can see that the w*nkers who have given you the answer don't know that").

If you don't like helping with homework, why torment yourself by reading the Homework Help section? If a question pains you, ignore it and move on.


It's a good thing you couldn't remember the name. Had you used it with your question, that would have made your question a violation. Reports are always anonymous. Unless someone told you they reported your answers, there's no way of knowing who's reporting. And it's mostly likely more than one person doing the reporting.

Just make sure you have an understanding of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines. I just glanced at some of your answers, and see a number them were violations.

For instance: For the question "How much is a pay for French internship in stragic event management and torisum?" you answered "Is that 'tragic' or 'strategic'?" You can not answer a question with a question... it's a violation. It may have been unclear, but asking for a clarification, with no attempt at answering the question, makes your answer a violation.

Or this one: "University get experience or a degree? Whats the worth of a degree in london these days?" Your answer: "Drunk". It doesn't matter if the question wasn't clear. "Drunk" is not an answer, making it a violation.

There were a lot more. That said, you probably shouldn't have brought attention to your answers by asking who's reporting them. A lot of people are going to look at your answers now... and guaranteed multiple users will be reporting those answers.

If you're not doing it on purpose to annoy people (that, as you know, would make you a troll), then familiarize yourself with the rules.

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2013-08-29T15:27:49Z

You can't determine who is reporting content, as reporting is anonymous. Also, it is unlikely (though not impossible) for a single report by a single person to remove content. Most users do not have "one strike" removal ability. It is much more likely that your answers are being reported by multiple users, in which case you would need to check your answers to see WHY that might be happening. For example, as you giving REAL, USEFUL answers or just making random comments or telling people to google it for themselves. Such NON-answers are considered reportable violations. Correcting another person's mistakes, if done politely, is not a violation. Not giving an answer is.


You cant because reports are anonymous
and it usually takes 2 reports to have an answer or question pulled

Choose Me!2013-08-29T21:55:52Z

Hunt them down. Or ask "Who is reporting me, hand yourselfs!" LOL that's if your question doesn't 'violate the rules'

They must be jealous.

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