Rock n Pop- What sound is music to your ears, but NOT an actual song or music piece?

I think, for me, it's hearing my little 2 yr old sister laugh. It's infectious :)

BQ- Have you ever known someone who always seems to "have a song in their heart"?

BQ2- Is it peanut butter jelly or ice cream and cake and cake time?

Thanks everyone!


Favorite Answer

Someone saying "Thank you" to me, because it's something I barely ever hear :/
I also like the sound video game consoles make when they start up because it stokes the rabid RPG gamer in me.

BQ: Yes, and it's always a happy, bouncy song for her :p

BQ2: I hate peanut butter and jelly, and I hate cake xD


The sound of the waves crashing on the shore of a beach. I feel it's worth the drive and hassle to get there in the first place just for this even if I don't intend on going in the water.

BQ: No unfortunately.

BQ2: Ice cream sans cake please. I don't like frosting all that much and it's hot as hell here even with the A/C on.


Infant laughter and rain falling are definitely tops, so I will add -
The sound of an old friend's voice, one you haven't heard in many years - it brings you right back to those days you last heard it, and no matter how long it's been, you both pick up as though time has hardly past at all -

BQ: Yes, my girlfriend Emily -
BQ2: Neither, sorry - it's still wine and 'other' time ------

Obi Wan Knievel2013-08-29T20:01:33Z

My wife having an explosive orgasm. (hey, you asked) And if it happens when I'm in the room with her, it sounds even better.

BQ: That's just kind of an expression.

BQ2: Probably the ice cream and cake and cake. But not coffee cake and totally not carrot cake, because those suck.

Lady Silver Rose * Wolf2013-08-29T16:13:25Z

Good just-after-midnight Anjellex :)

A good Thunderstorm :)
We had a lovely one a few weeks ago, which rolled in, over, and away, then came back!

I also love the sound of Rain...

BQ: Hmm... not sure.

BQ2: It must be cake time somewhere in the world!

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