How do I stop this abuse?

I have had over one hundred answers reported in two days. Please be not so naive as to suggest that I have abused the guidelines one hundred times in two days. I answer most questions accurately although i get annoyed sometimes by children who have made no effort AND with the 'helpers' who give the child the answer. Thus depriving the child of the learning experience and fooling the teacher into thinking the child has mastered the homework. As an ex-teacher of forty years I like to help the children but only by explaining how to do it. You can also imagine many of the answers are on other sections.

Richard K2013-08-30T04:13:18Z

Favorite Answer

. You asked the same question yesterday, I replied and suggested you be more careful with your answers that is how you stop receiving violations, in many cases you don't answer the question as asked or give a flip reply.
It isn't abuse when violations are reported check the link below

Ð〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ Ƭᖇ〇ᑌᙖᒪᕮ2013-08-30T03:28:39Z

Well to be honest I recall you asking a similar quesiton some months ago and having explained it then I can see from cached info of some of your answers which are no longer there (presumably having been reported) than nothing has changed in the interim period in fairness.

Question: If I don't pre order a ps4 will I still be able to get one by Christmas?
Your answer: Can you imagine how unimportant that is? One of your redneck mates has just murdered an innocent black kid.
-> You did not attempt to answer the question and this makes it a violation.

Question: Quotes on father in Swiss Family Robinsion? Thanks so Much really need help!
Your answer: From or on?
-> Again you are not attempting to answer the question and merely querying the grammer used in the quesiton. It does not answer the quesiton and it therefore a violation

Question: University get experience or a degree? Whats the worth of a degree in london these days?
Your answer: Drunk
-> A snarky reply like that is unhelpful and does not answer the question and therefore is a violation

Question: what high school subjects are needed for one to major in English? I'm in the ninth grade, currently researching compulsory subjects that one needs to major in English. Can anyone help?
Your answer: I don't understand. I thought you said you were already researching these subjects. You tell me.
-> Same as above, it's ok to ask for clarification of a point but you have to also answer the question as well

Question: How to know the tense of a sentence ? How to know the tense of a sentence easily. Thanks for your answers
Your answer: What can you mean? If you can't tell any of the tenses you have nothing to base your understanding on!
-> Same as above, it's ok to ask for clarification of a point but you have to also answer the question as well

Question: how much is a pay for French internship in stragic event management and torisum?
Your answer: Is that 'tragic' or 'strategic'?
-> Same as above, it's ok to ask for clarification of a point but you have to also answer the question as well

If these typify the content which have been removed then yes I would suggest that you have indeed violated guidelines one hundred times in two days and it's not based on naivety but on cached info from Google/Bing and knowing the guidelines well enough to understand what constitutes an answer or not.

It's not about spoon feeding a child with a homework answer, you are simply not addressing the question and in some cases being pretty rude. People use Y!A to ask questions and English is not always the native language used, hence there will be grammatical errors. The point of Y!A is to answer the question and not pick holes with the question itself. As an ex-teacher you should know this better than most.

So my advice would be to ignore questions which grate on your nerves and invest in the questions which you feel you can give a decent response to. This way you can prevent being your answers from being in violation and this usually means that any reporting taking place dries up pretty quickly.


Whatever your view on homework questions or people answering them, the guidelines are thoroughly clear that it's a violation to post non-answers ("When you post an answer, it must attempt to answer the question being asked") and/or offensively hostile answers ("Also not welcome are belligerence, insults, slurs and generally objectionable speech").

> to suggest that I have abused the guidelines one hundred times in two days

No: probably you've accumulated a backlist.

Some homework questions are reportable, if they're overtly phrased as the equivalent of "do my homework for me". The guideline:

Is it okay to ask for help with homework?

In most cases, it's okay to ask for homework help on Yahoo! Answers. When asking, categorize your question in the Homework Help or other appropriate category. To get the best answers, include what you understand so far and where you're getting stuck.

However, question such as "Can someone write this essay for me?" are considered solicitation and not allowed. Yahoo! Answers is a place to share knowledge and not to post solicitations.

Note: Responding to a homework help question with "Do your own homework" or "Read your textbook" is not okay. Learn more about our Question-and-Answer Format to understand what isn't an answer.

As I said previously, if homework questions pain you so, ignore them. And if you're not prepared to abide by rules of the site (which you agreed to as a contractual condition of using it), it's hardly unfair that this attracts consequences.


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