So we have a new format !?
Is anyone else having the problem that I am having in that all my text is coming out in one paragraph instead of in separate. It's too hard to read like that. Most of the answers seem fine ... except mine :(
Loving the addition of pictures.
But presume TC badges have gone then ?
In the dogs section because that's all I visit nowadays.
Might be just UK at the moment then... Have you all got the little media icon to enable pictures and videos... that's great.
Some of mine are separated as they should be now but no TC badge, and totally different looking page... how odd.
So how many of you can see a picture in this question... In the UK we have only been able to add pictures in the last few hours with a new look page...
Add.. Yes Danny - your format is the original.. we seem to definitely have a new one UK.. the addition of photo's is excellent.
Add... gosh Helen... didn't think of that... forget about all the youngsters on here, and I am sure if I start getting pictures of cockapoos and teacup chihuahua's I don't think I would be happy either.