Help on The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion?

Yes, I know it's an old-ish game (2006, I think?), but my brother-in-law gave it to me several months ago and I love playing it on my ps3, even though, yes, I'm a girl. (I play TES V: Skyrim, too. I love it.)

Okay, to the point. I'm stuck facing the wraith after getting the helm of the crusader. I die pretty quick with it and its two skeleton friends, even though I'm at level 14 with Shrouded Armor (I have dwarven with me to use in battle while I have the shrouded for sneaking) and Fin Gleam, a silver bow, 20 silver arrows, 10 potions of healing, 3 strong potions of healing, 14 weak potions of healing, and 259 health.

I was wondering (since I play as a Khajiit female), will the Eye of Fear greater power work on the wraith? I don't have any spells except for flare and weak fireball. I do have the scrolls absorb health, consume health, major wound, and summon scamp. My magicka is terrible with only 80, so I can't do many spells.

Is there any way I can defeat a wraith and his two skeleton friends with what I've got?


Thanks adam. :) I'm enjoying Oblivion and Skyrim (at level 100 in Skyrim! >:D) and have been since the last week of April. :D

One more thing to add, though: My sneak. It's normally at 65, but with just the Shrouded Armor, it's 73. I don't use the hood since I use Fin Gleam because I need constant night-eye in this dungeon, it seems, but will I be able to sneak past them very well at all with it at 73? I'm not sure how well I can sneak with that stupid wraith. I know I can sneak past the skeletons okay, I guess, just I have no idea about the wraith.


Try to hide/sneak from it and use your bow. Wraiths are weak to silver so. Glad to see a girl liking the Elder Scrolls! Including a site in source, tons of info on ES


I know its cheap but pause the game and go into your difficulty setting from your options menu. Put it all the way left, kill the wraith and his skeletons and turn it back to normal so your character doesnt have that bad of a time. Try leveling in certain aspects so your character can handle from people to creatures to spirits.