30 gallon stocking ideas?

I recently moved a long distance, and I was not able to keep all of my fish. I gave most of them to my friend, but anyways I already know combos i can put in there, but I'd like multiple opinions. Please give me all your opinions for best stocking and variations and such! Thanks

Mudkip man :D2013-09-03T14:11:14Z

I have guppies in my tank (: I also have an african dwarf frog :P They are cool but i would advise you getting more than one so they don't feel lonely.

I would also get something like schooling fish. Like the guy on the top fish.tetra :D
I never had them so i would not be your best choice in asking anything about them.

You could also get a Betta Sorority, meaning more than 1 female in a tank. if you want one than get 5 bettas (keep it an odd number) :D


Large schools of tetras or small schools of different tetras. If it was me I'd have 8x Neon Tetra, 8x Glowlight Tetra, 8x Rummy Nose Tetra, 1x Dwarf Gourami, 5x Bronze Corydoras, and 3x Otocinclus Catfish, but of course I'd have lots of plants and a canister filter or two good HOBS.