How to purchase bitcoins with paypal?

Can I purchase bitcoins with paypal?
If so, how?


I understand the warnings and such, although I would really appreciate an actual answer more.

Go with the flow2013-09-04T17:01:26Z

Favorite Answer

Leave bitcoins alone. They are associated with so much fraud and illegal activity it would make anyone's head spin.
I would not be surprised if the government is not watching every move on this.
By the way. Accounts are hacked all the time. You lose all your money.


It would be very hard for you to buy bitcoins with paypal because of paypals readiness to reverse payments. If I sell you a bitcoin and accept paypal then you tell paypal you never got your bitcoin they will take the money back from me. Because of this most people that have bitcoins will not sell them to you in this way.

You could use coinbase. I suppose you could call them the paypal of bitcoin. Much like paypal they hook up to your bank account and back it up with a credit card. If they pull a fast one they are in the United States so you would at least have the option to sue. I have been using them for a while and have not had any problems.

The Shannons2013-11-19T17:53:47Z

Yes I believe you can use paypal for purchasing bitcoin. You can use a company called coinbase. They accept multiple payment methods. Here is the link: . It is free to setup.