What does it mean when somebody perfers a bitter taste?

Most people like salt or sweet but I prefer bitter taste to my food and drink. I am by no means bitter in life. I love life to its fullest and everybody that surrounds me so this can't be an excuse.....

What's up with that???


Ah...cursed Canadian kid that dreaded level 1 wanna be.
You are certainly a disrupted Soul... At least that's what your mom and me were talking about last night as I was f****** her bunghole!!!
Not to worry she was giving her spelling lesson at the same time I guess it just didn't catch on!! Just as your sperm donors sperm sought the wrong egg....


Poor Jen you wish I was gay that would be one less excuse for you not finding a man, or a woman, I would put a :-( here but you need to know the truth!!!!! Sorry you're just another loser!!"


Favorite Answer

Maybe they are storing up and Arsenal to feed their VENOM to become Bitter f.....s
I said bitter ....not better....lol


it means they like it from behind of course

Parrot Trooper2013-09-06T05:35:26Z

Different strokes for different folks.


it means you're gay.