Why does the bible say its god is a loving god when that god created spiders to bite and poison insects,?

reptiles and even mammals, After the bite the poison paralyzes them and then while in extreme pain the poison slowly dissolves the insides of their prey so they can suck it up through their fangs.

Also this same god created Hyenas to start eating their prey while it is still alive.

It is ridiculous to think animals do not think and that even insects don't think to a certain extent.

So what ever keeps insects, reptiles, birds, fish, animals, etc alive also keeps us alive. If we have a spirit so do they.

Where is the love from the bible's god for all those living things that kill and eat other living things?

daniel g2013-09-06T21:12:59Z

You question our loving creator because of your lack of faith and knowledge.
God did put spiders ,and other predatory arthropods on earth the keep a balance.
A spiders prey is another arthropod and is not capable of feeling pain.
Perhaps different than other advanced animals, but consider, Homo sapiens is the only animal on the planet that will kill for other reasons than food. Often without reason.


Where's the love in a pine tree?

or those stupid plovers attacking passers by,
defending a "nest" that doesn't exist?

You have some issues if everything becomes
part of your problem with God. Deal with it.


Answer me this, why would female bee's die when they sting and not the male?

You would think evolution would have taken care of that problem.

T C2013-09-06T20:05:38Z

That all came with the fall of Adam


You should see the horrifying conditions of a cattle slaughter house.

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