Character Name? (Narrowed down)?

I've narrowed down a list of names to two of my favorites. I can't really pick though. The names are Lena and Lillian.

Here's her description if it helps at all??:

-Artificial black hair (semi-permanent dye)
with hazel eyes (more brown than green), rises up to a good 5-foot-6-inches. About 14. She's on the run so she finds the most comfort in the woods and operates alone for the most part. She does have several secret allies that she prefers not to use unless in times of emergency (she doesn't work well with others-slows her down). She's a master mind in the art of stealing & sneaking around.

Yeah that probably sucked but names please? Help!


Favorite Answer

lilly, you just described my friend to a T. Its a cooler name too,lena is like cheerleadery


I believe Lena suits the girl name more. Lena sounds like a mature girl who is ready to face the world but yet an innocent young girl. Lena sounds more suitable for the character than Lillian.


Lena gives her that serious but innocent vibe for a child on the run


Lillian-- It makes her seem badass yet still a girl. When I hear Lillian, I think of a girl running through the open field in the flowey dress, her hair flowing behind her, as something major is going on- like her boyfriend being murdered by a demon named Jennifer...

And Ringo Was A Lion2013-09-07T15:01:30Z

I prefer Lena.