I honestly want him so bad. Please help?

I really like this guy, and heres our little story together:
About a year and a half ago he asked me out, but I didn't like him back then so I rejected him nicely, and he kept on liking me, and so then in december I told him that I liked him, and then a week later he got a girlfriend. (I swear on my life he only did it to make me jealous.) but then she broke up with him and left him for his cousin. Then in the hallways he'd always stare at me, or make eye contact with me and never break it until I did.

Then this Summer he got a girlfriend, and then a couple of weeks ago I saw him at my physical and I sat about 3 rows in front of him at the doctors office. (This is actually the second year in a row we've had physicals same day, same time.) Then a few days later he messages me on facebook and we talk for about an hour and in that hour we sorta just talked and talked. He always used smiley faces like this:) in every sentence basically. He asked me for my number. Then he texted me afterwards for a little bit but then randomly stopped responding.

Now I am here going crazy. I think about him everyday, when I listen to songs they always remind me of him, whenever I watch a movie I always think of him, I just can't stop thinking about him.
I feel as if he still wants me but he has a girlfriend. Please don't go saying hes a cheater, and that he'll do it to me to. He's not that type of person, and he necessarily isn't cheating. He hasn't touched me, or hugged me, or held hands with me or anything so don't say anything like that.

I don't know what to do, it's killing me.

Tywin Lannister2013-09-07T23:17:08Z

Favorite Answer

You have three options.

1. You can wait it out and hope that they will break up eventually. I am assuming you are both young, so they will most likely break up at some point. You will have to wait and then swoop in like a vulture to a dead carcass and get him before someone else snatches him up. Don't seem too greedy or desperate though and make sure he doesn't see you as a rebound fling.

2. You work to break them up and steal your man away from the new hussy.

3. Move on


You're a young kid you will get over it and I know it's hard to keep your mind off of him but just think you will prolly have a bunch of more bf's after him...just don't take him from that girl and start a shitload of drama cuz karma will get back at you...believe me that karma **** is real...but anyway he won't be your last love if you do date him so don't sweat it every HS girl thinks that about a boy at some point but it will end 4 the best


The right time will come around. Dont rush things.