why dont guys ever see me as anything but a friend?

okey , so all my friends get load of attention from guys and they actually come and talk to them .. my friends are pretty so i understand why they get guys attention. Thing is .... I get none! no guy ever approaches me , all they do is stare at me ! whats just strange and creepy. when i get to know a guy i just end up being a good mate... its not like im a tom-boy either as im very girly!

just so you can see what i look like
1- https://sphotos-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1231173_544596658941706_202693350_n.jpg
2- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1389_530639683670737_1940950019_n.jpg

am I really that unattractive that ever guy it seems doesnt try and chat me up! haha

i'm a confident, young women (17) , i study art and design in college and friendly to everyone ... i honestly dont understand why i get no guy talking to me other than a mate


Favorite Answer

show some skin

we are visual and not verbal

talk less flaunt your assets more


all that is happening is that you have not yet met someone you have an emotional connection with ---- how you look really is not the issue ---- in any case do you want someone attracted to how you look or who you are??? ---- this is the perennial problem ---- how do you know that someone you are interested in is also interested in you??? your age has a lot to do with this as well --- until you are over the age of consent where you live (dont assume its 18) you are basically stuck with guys around your age which in general means they are too immature for you --- once you are over you can then ignore age and find someone you do truly connect with ---- no you are not unattractive it may be the guys that are interested think you are unattainable ---- they believe all these myths like "leagues" in dating or they think you are already with someone ---- they have no idea if you are interested ---- i would suggest you dont really need lots of boys just one that you really like and who like who you are ---- dont stress out about it ---- now that you have left high school you will meet more people its not so limited ---- there is someone that knows you are the most wonderful person in the world ---- you have not yet met them thats all


be more fashion forward ? Try to walk up to a guy you like one time and just say hi how are you doing


I don't know either! You are beautiful! Thanks for answering my question, by the way. I am having the same issues. It sucks, but we're still young. :)

Sam Izzy2013-09-08T23:32:43Z

Stop dying your hair