why dont guys ever see me as anything but a friend?
okey , so all my friends get load of attention from guys and they actually come and talk to them .. my friends are pretty so i understand why they get guys attention. Thing is .... I get none! no guy ever approaches me , all they do is stare at me ! whats just strange and creepy. when i get to know a guy i just end up being a good mate... its not like im a tom-boy either as im very girly!
just so you can see what i look like
1- https://sphotos-a-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1231173_544596658941706_202693350_n.jpg
2- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1389_530639683670737_1940950019_n.jpg
am I really that unattractive that ever guy it seems doesnt try and chat me up! haha
i'm a confident, young women (17) , i study art and design in college and friendly to everyone ... i honestly dont understand why i get no guy talking to me other than a mate