"I Love You To Death" by Type O Negative...?

Husband and I had an argument, I later found my husband posted "I Love You To Death" by Type O Negative and "My Own Prison" by Creed on his facebook page.

Anyone want to try to analyze this?


I KNOW its the name of the song. I'm looking for analyzation of why he posted those two videos after our argument. Thanks!


"Digging around"? I'm looking at his facebook feed, its hardly digging around, unless you think I shouldn't friend my husband on facebook. He posted both those videos after an argument one day. We both like all kinds of music. I'm not "picking apart" his choices in music either.

Grand Duchess Lady Protector2013-09-09T05:47:17Z

Favorite Answer

It's the name of a song, by the band type o negative look it up on youtube.com


I'll analyze it:

My findings are that I never thought I'd ever hear of a person who liked Type O Negative and Creed at the same time. That's like listening to Led Zeppelin and that girl who did that Friday song.

Also, you digging around your husband's facebook, picking apart his music choices and trying to devine his intentions by them makes you akin to a 17 year old.