Is there really a difference between OLD religion and mythology?

I was thinking how old Gods and Goddesses were worshiped, but then there are tales of the mythological creatures associated with them that were also worshiped in truth. So, is there really a fine line between old religion and mythology, or are they really the same thing just under different titles?


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The different is that in religions, some people said: I Saw This.. I Really Saw That! In Mythology no, officially are all invented stories.

Bye and best regards

Child of Venus2013-09-09T19:01:48Z

A myth, from the Greek mythos, is a divine story. It is a story about some deity or divine being that explains some part of a tradition, an event, or a culture. Religion is a system of beliefs and practices observed by a person. Mythology is a crucial part to every religion (including modern religions) and the classification of something as a myth is not a statement about whether it is true or false, but rather a statement about whether it pertains to the divine or not. The Bible is a book of Christian mythology for instance. The difference is that in ancient cultures, the mythology was not believed to be strictly literal, and more allegorical and loosely based on universal truths rather than facts (in all fairness, the Bible too was written in this way...literalism is a modern well as fundamentalism). So, it's not so much a fine line as it is a difference in what aspects are described by each word. The myths are the stories about the gods, the heroes, and whatever else constitutes a divine being. The religion is the system of beliefs and practices, the rituals, the feast days, etc. The religion includes the myths, but the myths are not the whole of the religion.

Venus and Hermes Bless


Mythology is a collection of myths (stories). Religion is a practiced set of beliefs, often formed around those stories. Almost every religion has its own mythology; however, some people dislike the term being used regarding their own religion, as they perceive it to have negative connotations.

Death Walking Terror2013-09-09T17:35:03Z

I think they're very closely related but obviously separate things.

Mythology is generally an aspect of religion though.


Mythology is simply a religion that is not widely practiced

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