Does this guy like me?

When I ordered my drink, the bartender said they did not have pina colada. As he explained.."We have coconut with vodka..." I said, "Oh no alcohol. Is there a fruity drink without the alcohol?" He made me a tall glass and did not charge me. I asked, "Are you sure?" He smiled and said, "No alcohol, so its nothing." I totally felt this energy as we spoke to each other and he did seem to behave shyly when talking to me. I sat in his view; however, and there were some eye contacts but I cannot say for sure. If there was a sign that he was "into" me then I'd go back and give him that opportunity, but now, I am not sure.


Favorite Answer

maybe !! he was being nice not charging !! or maybe he likes u !! but u have to relise he cant ask any girl out if hes working !! its unprofisonal !! they way he can date u is u ask him to a party or a gaving start of as friends and see where things go


Maybe just being polite.
Sometimes we can send and read the wrong signals.
Maybe go back and see but be prepared of outcome.


Only one way to find out for sure...go back and talk some more!