why don't atheists use deductive logic when trying to understand theology?

The same way you would with math when you learn established methods, then you apply your logic to your developed skills. Or like in science when you apply the scientific method, or in philosophy with syllogism. You realize, there are apologetic principles of interpreting scripture, you can't just look at it from your own limited, socially-conditioned perspective & expect a question to be answered.

Seems like modern atheists have taken a postmodern approach to theology. They can't even distinguish theology from religion, definitively. I think they're confused by all the charismatic false religions that the Marxist state created to throw people off from what theology actually is. Theology (from Greek Θεός meaning "God" and λογία, -logy, meaning "study of") is the *systematic and rational* study of concepts of God.

So instead of saying, for example "All religions are man-made because Illuminati said so on TV" you could ask the question "where do all these religions come from?" Then you can apply your logic to your studies & come to the conclusion that they all come from Babylon, just like it says in the book of Genesis." Or instead of saying "The bible is man-made myth" you can actually study it & eventually conclude that it's mostly prophetic, and that it's prophetic veracity can be demonstrated to be explicitly evident if you know anything about history and the real world.



The Lightning Strikes2013-09-12T03:05:15Z

Favorite Answer

Because they cannot, they do not have the abuility to, nor can they have the ability to
1 Cor 2: 14 states that But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

So no matter how they study in every way shape and form known to man, and even if an atheist were to memorize the Bible from Gen to Rev. he still would NOT understand it,
And get this, all those so-called 'former christians' who said they were saved and had been for years and years and all that balh blah ? I have heard a lot of those here, and am convinced by listening (or reading) their arguements? that they were never saved to begn with, they may have been exposed to the gospel, but never understood it themselves, I can tell.

A Person who can truly understand the Bible can only do so through the enabling of the Holy Spirit., No other way will work.

Mike S2013-09-11T00:56:36Z

Sorry you are wrong, Babylon is an assumption only in modern translated biblical text. On top of that Christianity is the only religion that names babylon as a pretext.

You are also wrong with the bible being prophetic. It is not. The bible is mostly moralistic teachings, with stories reinforcing those morals. The New Testament, which could be seen as prophecies was written nearly 1000 years after the old testament. These supposed prophecies, are so vague they can't be discerned from the happenings at the time, to the happening now.

I'm not an aethist by no means, but I find your logic of examining only one religion flawed. You have made your judgement based not on the whole truth, but only on the part you wish to see.

Brigalow Bloke2013-09-11T00:53:03Z

Theology = careful arguments about statements which have no evidence, adding more material which has no evidence along the way as required to reach a predetermined conclusion. The antithesis of realism and honesty.

Illuminati? Are you serious? They have not existed since 1786.

All religions came from Babylon did they? Babylon was founded about 4000 years ago, long after the three great pyramids were built. Where did the native Americans, the Inuit, the Australian aboriginals get their religions from then? Did religions cross thousands of miles of land and water by magic?

You obviously know nothing of history.

Prophetic veracity? In a pig's eye.

i aint know2013-09-11T01:31:21Z

Your basic atheist assumes that science is a means to find truth .they crouch behind a term they don't understand at all because they think it lends credance to their silly point...true science is alays evolving and changing what was yesterdays blood letting is todays cancer treatments . good honest scientists don't claim to KNOW . they are just looking to know more than they did before ..being wrong is sometimes helpful too ..
Why can't they put two and two together ?? because rom 8 says the don't have the ability to do so because they don't have the spirit of christ .
7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God’s law, indeed it cannot;

8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.


It's all written down by men. The concept is man made!

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