Which god should I follow, the god of the OT or the god of the NT?
It seems funny how the bible says god never changes. But when we read the bible we find out that is very far from the truth.
Do people understand that?
It seems funny how the bible says god never changes. But when we read the bible we find out that is very far from the truth.
Do people understand that?
They reflect different characteristics of the same God, but not a God whose nature changes. You're right if God's nature changed, that would be contradictory, but the Old Testament is a foreshadowing and prophecy of the Messiah who is to come. Even in Genesis 3 straight after The Fall, we begin to see the theme of sacrifice (Clothes made of skin), and this idea of an ultimate saviour: "and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel." It's all part of the plan, but both OT and NT reflect God's judgement (The Cross), and we also see Jesus throughout the whole Bible. Another example in Genesis is 3:8 "Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden." The Lord God is literally Jesus, searching after Adam only after they have sinned. We see these encounters throughout the entire old testament, prophecies of the Messiah, and then finally in the NT Christ in flesh. It actually amazes me how much Jesus is in the OT, and I still have so much to learn!
P.S That is why John says: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." The Word IS Jesus, he was there in the beginning, everything from beginning to end was and is a fulfilment of Christ and the ultimate act of mercy.
Is this question about "which god to follow" or does god change? The bible states that god is the same yesterday, today and forever. Abraham pleaded with god to change his mind about destroying Sodom. Moses pleaded with god regarding punishment of Israel. But god's nature and god's laws, his word as promises never change. His way of dealing with people has not changed either because his ways were perfect in the beginning. Furthermore, mankind has nor changed either nor has it evolved. From the reading of history anyone can easily see that man is still as capable and likely to commit every sort of evil that he ever was. Therefore since man only lives 100 years if that, god does not have to change as each man has to grow, gain wisdom, make his own mistakes and understand who he is. One can learn from history and the lives of others. But each still makes his own choices every day of his short life.
J. V.
God of the OT is God of the NT, too.
The Bible says God never changes but He changes the way of dealing with human beings!
No, majority people don't understand that!
In place of the tribal god Jehovah, the angry and jealous god of the Hebrews of the Old Testament, Jesus in the Gospels revealed the One God of love, justice and mercy Who loves all His children, assuring us that there is a valid spiritual reason for everything that happens to everyone.
Refer rather to the Gospels where Christ reveals the divine truths in his own words.
The bible has mistakes and contradictions throughout. However, the message doesn't change much in the NT. Follow the NT.