do you find this new answers skin ugly?

dark blue with horizontal location
does it seem inconvenient to you
and you'd like to find the way to make it was it was?


to make it as it was?


Favorite Answer

I am with you bro, it has no heart or soul, it loses the original colours, and looks so dull and boring.

Sure it is more technical but the interface adds little to the functionality.

We left and returned!2013-09-12T23:16:41Z

Are you saying that your skin turns blue when you are in a horizontal position?

If so, then I wouldn't exactly call it ugly, but inconvenient certainly applies. You might want to go see a doctor about that. You could have a serious medical condition.


Yahoo answers skin is a new modern skin due to an update to the "apple style" generation.

Critically, it doesn't bother me I'll get use to it, but what choice do I have. Maybe it is ugly to people who find things ugly.


Wrong section, I know people have turned this into their personal rant/troll forum, talking about things not remotely related to travel advice, but this is a bit too off-topic.

Perhaps Yahoo! Products section is what you're looking for.