How do I message someone on the new format?


Horrible buggy version


Favorite Answer

There is a problem with the new format that you no longer can email others using the answers email system.
What you can do for now is switch to one of the other English speaking sites that have the old format, and all the same q&a.

You can share your thoughts about the new format on the two threads by Staff on the Suggestion board.
#1 Feedback/Comments on the new Y!A format
#2 Bugs/issues related to the new Y!A format


You should be able to click on someones avatar and on their page see if they have the envelope icon and use that to open a mail message. I see you have yours activated.

If you have one of the new toys you may need to go to Desktop Mode.

If that will not work then you have a problem with the layout and you will need for a :"fix" there isn't much else you can do
