is this friend of 15 years being disrespectful by grabbing my boob?

I am a 50 yr old woman & have been friends & co-workers with 2 other (girl)friends, we are all married. Recently, when the 3 of us met to go out to lunch (as we do every few months),the one friend grabbed my boob & pinched it & exclaimed,"Gee your boobs are S0--000 BIG!" We all laughed & went to lunch. (I wasn't dressed inappropriately). Any way, about a few months ago she commented on," Your boobs are really huge.", & I just laughed uncomfortably. She is kinda of a joker, but I felt it was disrespectful. I am about 30 lbs overweight, & she isn't. So, do you think this was disrespectful or should I just forget about it????? Thanks! The other friend is very slender & would never dream of doing this to anyone, nor would I . 10 points to a good answer, Thank-you & God Bless!

Mrs. SL2013-09-15T19:23:08Z

Favorite Answer

First of all I would be insulted if even a very close friend squeezed my boob unless she had a reason to and ask me first if she could. Does your friend have very tiny breasts ? Maybe its a fetish of hers but I'd dang sure tell her to keep her hands to herself unless she wanted them chopped off. LOL
A friend of mine had breast implants and after they healed she was so proud of them she ask me if I wanted to see them or see how they felt. I said sure I'd look at them for a second but I told her I didn't want to touch them. I told her that was for her husband to do and I laughed. She understood. Yes your so called friend was disrespectful for grabbing your breast. No doubt about that unless you gave her a reason to do so ?


She probably didn't mean anything by it, but what matters is how you feel about it. If it made you uncomfortable, (or if she says something again) politely ask her why she said that and let her know you didn't like it. I'm sure since you've been friends for so long it won't be a problem talking to her and she will either apologize or let you know it was a misunderstanding.


It seems like this made you uncomfortable. You should speak with the booby bandit away from everyone and let them know this made you feel uncomfortable. You must tell the person it is not welcomed. If they do not receive any negative feedback it's like an open invitation to do it again and maybe go further.


Well a joker type of person always makes jokes and sometimes joker people do jokes that are funny to them but don't realise that it is funny for the other person, the other reason why she may have done this is to subliminally humiliate you. But I think its more of the first option.


I think you should sit down and try to talk to her about how it made you feel. If she is truly your friend then there shouldn't be any hard feelings. I don't think she was trying to be disrespectful, but only you know her personality, she may have been trying to joke. One think I always say though is, if it feels disrespectful, or wrong, it probably is. Good luck to you

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