This guy is normally hilarious and outgoing around friends and people but really shy around me.?

There's this guy and he has asked me out before, and I rejected him. Then I told him I liked him a couple months back but he ended up dating this girl.
Now I think he really likes me again because he asked me for my number, always makes deep eye contact with me and my cousin told me whenever I'm around him he stares at me.
He is normally so funny and outgoings around a lot of people but around me he's quiet and doesn't talk barely at all around me and just looks so nervous ish.

Why would he be so nervous if he knew I liked him a few months back and I still do now?


Favorite Answer

then ask him out on a date


He is not aware that you still like him, show him by telling. And he is acting all nervous caused he thinks he messed up once, and he doesn't want to mess it up again. So tell him you like him, cause he likes you. Hope I helped!


Tell him you still like him (even if he already knows) and ask him how he feels about you.


Hmm, perhaps he likes you again, or he feels it's awkward because he knows you like him now.


maybe he didn't get "over" you... but you also have to be cautious... make sure he's not a player.

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