If Obama Care is so great why did the President exempt himself and his family from it?


Favorite Answer

Because he knows it's tyrannical to be under it. Obama has no place in the White House or in America.

Armchair Goddess #12013-09-17T00:37:38Z

You've been absorbing the elephant-dung and pimple-pus-regurgitations of rightwing propaganda outlets, we see.

Every single member of Congress (both House and Senate), and every U.S. President and First Family have 100% health care coverage, including dental, courtesy of the taxpayers. If President Obama opted out of the coverage, perhaps this would be because the Obamas have a net worth of over $5,000,000 and they felt they should and could pay for their own care. Or perhaps they, like me, do not want to double-dip. I am eligible for both Medicare and VA Medical, but I chose to use only the VA for my medical care, not wanting to overload the Medicare system if I didn't actually need the coverage.


You don't understand how Obamacare works.

He already has insurance.


Obamacare is not complete yet.