7wks4d pregnant waking up with terrible back pain!?

so if i sleep on my sides my hips will hurt all day....if i sleep on my back on either side of my spine right above my butt it HURTS almost like pressure on that one spot...i dont know if its the matress or what...but its very uncomfortable...is there any type of matress toppers to help fix it??? cuz i have a 1yr old and i cant keep waking up in pain all the time like this....and what do you think could be causing it...my matress is only 3yrs old! and its a sertapedic pillow top mattress so its a good mattress...maybe its just me....


Your body is changing every day and it's making room for the baby to develop. u could be one that's carrying this baby in your back more. The elder women used to say it was a boy if u carried it like that or low.... nothing will be comfortable to u til the baby gets here... try sleeping with a pillow placed between your legs while u r on your sides. that will help keep the pressure eased some. the bones will be even and not one higher than the other. balanced weight....


Sounds like labor might be close. No need to go and get checked out until contractions are about a minute long and five minutes apart. Try and stay active, walking around, maybe have someone take you shopping. It will help keep labor going. Just don't over do it. And I would make sure my bags were packed and my ride to the hospital was on stand-by! Good luck!