Best way to ward off a dog attack?
In my area, tethered or confined dogs sometimes get loose and attack other dogs that are being walked or attack the person who is walking their dog when they try to pick up or protect their dog. This happened to my friend/neighbor, and both she and her dog were bitten by the loose dog. That was a few years ago. Now she has a different dog, and when she walks him, she carries a large walking stick for protection. I understand that she was traumatized, but I am concerned that using a big stick on a hostile dog could be dangerous. (There was a local news item about a woman who used a big stick to break up a fight among her own dogs in the yard and they killed her.) Is there anything I can suggest to my neighbor that would be a safer and more reliable way to repel an approaching hostile dog? (I also don't like to see this young woman walking around like a weird, paranoid old eccentric carrying this huge stick.)
I personally have carried a pocket spray containing citronella oil that you're supposed to spray in the dog's face (bought at PetSmart), but though I never tried it, I did not have much confidence that I would be able to aim right at the dog's face in the event it was attacking my Chihuahua or me.
Also, another neighbor who was bitten when she picked up her mini-pin to protect it from a German shepherd bought a stun gun! What do you think of that?