Are most gay guys as vain as girls?
hey timber aren't good looks a curse
hey timber aren't good looks a curse
Damon A
Favorite Answer
I wouldn't say so. Out of a group of 40 or 50 acquaintances, coworkers, dates or friends, I can only think of 5 or 6 that were tremendously vain. Of the remaining 36 or 45, most of the times I see them it's jeans, or cargo shorts, a T shirt and sneakers.
And I know straight guys that can be far more vain. An example of which was when our company got us a suite at a baseball game. Since there were a limited number of parking passes, a number of us opted to carpool. We had to leave alost immediately after shift to make the opening. We were 30 minutes late because one of the guys in the car with us had to take a shower, style his hair, shave, iron the T shirt he'd be wearing and his jeans, change into his dress sneakers. Time enough for the guy that was driving, and me still in my work uniform, to drive to a convenience store 3 miles away, get cigarettes, a 6 pack and have 2 each in the parking lot while we waited for our coworker to get ready.
And, in all honesty, I've been hit on more by men in bars when I'm out with friends and look a little scruffy. than I have when I've dressed up for a special occasion with friends, (their civil union.) Somehow, a slightly rumpled black polo, carpenter jeans, work boots, and 2 days worth of stubble trumps clean shaven and a suit and tie.
I find gay guys to be much more vain than any girl.
Good Morning!!! WHY are you picking on gay guys this fine morning??? My first hubs was as far from being gay as you are from being straight & he was one of the MOST vain males I have ever known!!! It took him an HOUR & a FULL can of hairspray EVERY morning before he would leave the house!!! I have MANY gay friends & NOT one of them is vain!!! There are a couple who like to look good for their man & they take the time to fix themselves up so they look appealing to their guy...but it's NOT due to vanity...just LOVE!!!
Thomas G
It varies from guy to guy. I've met some gay guys who are way more vain than any girl I've met but I've also met a load of gay guys who don't like to fuss too much over appearances
Totally vain and act like little school girls...