How do you, personally, perform petitionary prayer?

I often hear of people saying they pray 'for" others, but I don't have a clear idea of what exactly they do. Do you ask God in so many words to help or heal a person? Or is it "Thy will be done"? One person said she would just think of a person along with Christ in the same thought. Are Catholics or other Christians taught a method of how to pray for others, or do people just do it instinctively?


i literally want to know what people do. So if you say "I ask that they get their request," that doesn't tell me how you ask it. Are you visualizing anything, or just saying words in your heart, "May their prayer be answered"? Please actually describe what it is you do. If you don't believe in prayer and don't pray, please don't answer this question because it's not aimed at you and I did not ask you anything.


No one has actually answered the question by saying how they pray. But i do appreciate the two people who did reply to the point.


Has prayer actually done something you can prove was beneficial to someone or is it just wellwishing instead of real help ?

Stop praying and physically go out and Do something about the suffering you see.

Lazy ?

the internet2013-09-20T06:18:33Z

I don't do that. I do not expect god to change his godly plan, just because I ask him to. Especially because I know that he is allknowing and thus he already knows what I want, which makes it seem silly to tell him again. That is why I don't pray.


you pray for people what ever their request is

people request what they want to have happen and we pray it happens