Are all atheists also free thinkers, and can only atheists think freely?
Do you think it is really fair to use the term "free thinker" as a synonym for atheist, or is that a false designation that should only be applied to individuals and not ideologies?
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Of course not. A free thinker comes up with his/her conclusions about such questions as to whether or not God exists. The notion that someone is a free thinker because they were told that free thinkers are atheists is Orwellian doublethink.
Atheism and freethinking are two unrelated things.
The latter, however, almost invariably leads to the former.
ZEUS DID IT - "I don't like the term "free thinker" at all. It's a bit condescending, as if others are "unfree." Most Christians are "free" thinkers. No one is making them believe what they do. They could leave the church if they wanted."
Anyone *could* do *anything*.
Being a freethinker doesn't depend upon whether or not a person *could* base their conclusions upon independent evaluations; it depends upon whether or not they *have*.
Ergo, I would judge your statement, " Most Christians are "free" thinkers", entirely false. Perhaps many Christians possess the *capacity* to evaluate their beliefs independently; in my experience, the majority, I'm sorry to say, most certainly do *not* (and I would disagree with any argument that more than, say, one in ten possessed even the capacity graciously afforded them here; in my experience, no more than one person in a hundred is intelligent enough to be even worth conversing with on an issue such as this).
I don't like the term "free thinker" at all. It's a bit condescending, as if others are "unfree." Most Christians are "free" thinkers. No one is making them believe what they do. They could leave the church if they wanted. Rather, I think it's more accurate to say Christians are guilty of wishful thinking and cherry picking science.
I think a free thinker is someone with an open mind. Even a Christian that says "No, God might not be real, but I believe in him" can be considered a free thinker because he/she is saying that there is a chance that they are wrong.