Does he like me? 10 pts! Please help!?

Background info: he liked me, I rejected him, I ended up telling him I liked him then he got a girlfriend and now this is about 7 months later

I texted him because a month ago he asked me for my numbers, and he didn't save my name right so he had to ask who it was and I said you already said my name and then he said: " is this (my first snd last name) I'm guessing and hoping:) " and I said yes then we texted all day ( even through the school day.) and just talked and talked and it didn't get that boring. He used a lot of smiley faces and yeah.

this Sunday he also sat behind me in church and stared at me a lot

I can't tell if he likes me or not?


Favorite Answer

Is he still in a relationship with this girl? I'm guessing not :L yes, sweetie, it seems that he likes you. Staring and wanting to talk to you a lot is generally an indication of that. Don't get involved if he still has a girlfriend, but honestly he does seem to like you. Go for it. Just flirt a little. ;)

Answer mine?;_ylt=AiF1olb5E4iWg.5cYgLpiNvM_Nw4?qid=20130922070002AAYfVTC


He likes you, either ask him or text him if your shy, if he likes you and you feel the same way tell him. Good luck :)


Lol. Just ask him if he does! And depends.. does he still have his girlfriend? Because you did not say if he does or not.


He is already playing mind game with you, best dump him now.

Chloe Montez2013-09-22T19:13:54Z

I really think he is in love with you ! And I think that gf he has,he does not really like her at all!