I just don't get it. Help ?

I'm in high school, 9th grade, and I'm a straight A student. Not bad right? But it's horrible for me because I have never even been kissed before. Like girls around me have tattoos and piercings already and I'm just little old innocent me. I have to admit that sometimes I feel like I'm ugly. Flat chested is my number one insecurity. It's like I will never get a boyfriend. It really sucks. What should I do?


Favorite Answer

din't do anything because if no one likes you for you then they don't deserve to be with you and as to the tattoos and piercings issue don't do anything to yourself unless you want to but im saying that you are fine just the way you are and don't worry about the flat chest and the grades just be yourself and just wait because there is someone out there for all of us and they will like us for us not for who we can be so don't worry he will come just be patient.