How Do People Know About Their Past Lives?

I don't. I'm uneasy about the idea because I don't remember anything. It's like how do you come up with this...?

If it's really true, is it necessary to remember in your case? How come I don't remember? I heard one reason is because you have to die numerous, numerous times to even recall anything, maybe it's true IDK.

If it isn't true, more mysteries about how the brain works I suppose...


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Some people do, some don't. If you've ever heard of, or read about Edgar Casey, you'd know what a religious man he was, read his bible everyday, probably read it 14 or more times. Casey was "church going," so he trusted the dogma..but became a very famous "counselor" and healer. This all manifested after he came down with an "incurable" illness, and was able to heal himself, (voice/throat) with information given through trance work - information came directly from the "keeper of records"... Akashic records. After that, he could go back for information/healing to heal others. While doing this, he became aware of reincarnation, and had to deal with it's "reality." He had some initial difficulty accepting it..but began to understand the process. He was eventually able to incorporate the wisdom of having lived many lifetimes, with the teachings and parables of Christ. As incredibly attuned and psychic as this man was, the memories or belief in reincarnation did not come naturally.

The main reason I brought up Edgar Casey was that he realized how easy it is for us to "forget" about the other place/side when we are alive, and in the physical,.. and how easily we forget the pain and anguish of living in a physical body, when we are without a body, and in spirit. Casey said that this is the most important thing we can do for ourselves- "to remember "there," when here, and "here" when we are there," these people will be able to know their purpose, and to appreciate being in each place more fully -thereby in tune with the Source, make the best choices, and move closer towards perfection.
When a negative issue has been resolved within our psyche (abuse, addiction, prejudice, etc. and forgiven) there is no reason to remember the experience. It loses all attraction for us to go through again, and the "lesson" has become part of us, fulfilled and completed...this is why resentment and revenge hold us back...hurting us more than anyone else. Like looking in the rear view mirror , it fades away, to never go back.. This could explain why some have no patience or tolerance for certain qualities/weaknesses in others.. They can be very judgmental of those who will not get control over their lives - (they did), and expect others to do the same. There are new and unfamiliar (not remembered because they haven't happened yet)
If one believes they have lived before, they'll notice familiar people, responses or things (remember) Friends/new acquaintances, like they've known them "forever," a "look" from a total stranger strikes a cord, a phrase, or period in time, the name of a war or city or place, disease, leader may become so captivating that we have to know more - feel compelled to study and learn all about that thing that happened long ago. I remember that "Leprosy" and the name "Bedlam" were that for me - I had to know more about each thing - My skin often had a feeling of crawling whenever people would talk about diseases or conditions of the skin, and I couldn't tolerate hearing about such things from a child...(must have had it) Then I always had negative feelings about England, the Queen..anything to do with that place. I found out why during a regression. I was "put" away by a competitive, jealous female, and spent the rest of my life in a mental institution called Bedlam. Many times people were put there when normal and eventually became mad...I heard of one man who had a regression and went into shock to see himself as a prostitute, living in horrible was something he needed to know (for healing) in his current life, so he went there. We remember the pieces that pertain to our current purpose, or we have carried as leftovers.. and that hold us back.
Look at child prodigies - So much time is being spent looking for what makes them SO special! They examine: genes, DNA, etc..but the picture is much bigger than that. We have the DNA we will need in order to have the life experiences we've planned for ourselves. They all work together - the natal chart, genetics, a soul with a real history of many lifetimes inside a human body. Just the physical body will not have all the answers..and the myopic unscientific experiments sad.
Attractions or aversions to: country's, cultures, foods, activities, talents, places, careers, etc. If a person can't accept reincarnation, any memory will be dismissed - they won't relate relationships or anything else, to other than rational thinking.
I could go on and on. I find the subject fascinating - these are ideas for you to consider. We have to die and "regroup" in order to grow. Remembering it ALL is unnecessary and would only hold us back. I think we all can remember in a subtle way.