Eight great b-day presents for Japanese kids?

I'm making a birthday game for students aged 10 to 14, and I need eight great birthday presents they might like to receive. I'd like unisex presents, but any ideas are bound to spark something. I would love it if about half of the words already sounded like something in English. So, my requirements are: age-appropriate, EFL-friendly, not specifically for boys or girls, and not too expensive, but not terribly cheap. In that order (-:.

I'll be putting on my thinking cap, too, so let's have fun with it!


BTW, not real birthday presents. Something they'd like to receive that I can put down on the paper -- it's a game-of-chance sort of game, and they won't get anything for real.

I'm thinking, though, now, that it might not be appropriate. Not everyone gets presents for his or her birthday. Maybe I should change it to lucky item or something.


Favorite Answer

I think this is difficult.

Birthday present is specific to each person. Nothting can "please everyone". Also, "not too expensive" part is difficul,too. I think many kids receive pretty expensive present from their parents now. So they are not pleased by a not-so-expensive present.

Besides, "unisex" part is difficult. It's very different between boys and girls. Girls like stuffed animals while boys do not.


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