How can I copy the OLD Bertolli pasta sauce recipe?

A family member used to love Bertolli pasta sauce, but he says they've changed the recipe. He doesn't enjoy it anymore. Does anyone know how the recipe has changed and where I can find a recipe to replicate the old recipe?


Maybe I should mention that I checked the web site for Bertolli and they have a lot of recipes, but none that will let me duplicate their old recipe for the canned sauce. I specifically need a recipe THAT WILL ALLOW ME TO DUPLICATE THE SAUCE AS IT USED TO BE BEFORE THEY CHANGED THE RECIPE.


Favorite Answer

Hi Dee,
Three days and no responses...can I give you a tip? I checked the Bertolli site and they have at least 17 different pasta sauces that I could count.

I have a pasta cookbook with nearly 200 recipes in it, all genuine Italian, from the various regions which are specified in the headings. Green, white, red sauce? If you'd mentioned specifically what you were looking for, you would've had a lot of responses, with recipes, in many cases.

Best wishes!


Bertolli Pasta Sauce Recipes