Help! I have gaming anxiety!?
I'm 14 and I play on my brother's PS3. So, I obviously play his games. I'm getting an Xbox 360 on my birthday (Not ONE cuz it's too expensive) and I'm gonna buy Xbox versions of the games I like playing on my brother's PS3. The thing is, I actually stopped playing on his PS3 months ago because I got anxiety. When I was playing Skyrim, I was in Bleak Falls Barrow. I thought I was just scared or something because it was "dark and scary", so I turned the perspective to 3rd person and kept playing and turned down the volume a bit. I kinda do this thing where I go into this mode where I'm the character so it seems real to me until I stop playing. Then, I got lost. I started panicking and shaking and I threw the controler at my brother (LOL don't worry, he caught it and got me out of the place). I felt so stupid! I knew if I tried harder I would've gotten myself out there. Anyways, after that, I didn't give up right away though. I just didn't go back to the barrow. I did some other thing,
Like kill these foster children's "mother". I forgot what they called her, but they cheered when they saw her dead. Lol. I went into mild gaming mode. I can't play gory or scary fighting games anymore because I would stop anyways because of my anxiety. I need help cuz I can't take it anymore! My parents are doing something nice for me and I'm not even gonna be able to play because of my anxiety. I need to have techniques when I'm playing a game. I wanna be able to play what my brother plays without being all shaky and scared. Anyone know any techniques?!?!