Could my lack of sleep be due to anxiety?

I can't sleep almost at all, even with prescription sleeping pills. I'm one of those conspiracy guys who knows too much about reality, and when people try to get me to conform to certain things, I'm always saying to myself, metaphorically that "I'm too awake to go back to sleep." Seems like this correlates to my literal, physical inability to sleep.

For people like me, esoteric knowledge provokes great anxieties that ignorant laymen could never fathom. So I'll do certain things to sear my conscience & make myself forget some of the things I know so it's easier to navigate society & culture. I'll do things like drink alcohol or indulge in coarse humor etc. and I consider these things to be my ideological sleeping pills, because they put me back into the mental 'sleep state' that most people are in. When I do these things, it's possible to sleep. It's nearly impossible to sleep when I'm completely sober, or in an ethical state of being. Any deeper insight would be appreciated.


@Alma: f*ck off, zombie. Go finish watching tv or playing iphone games


Favorite Answer

Anxiety can keep you awake.

Sleeping pills can give you bad side effects such as headaches and drowsiness during the day so you are better off without them.

To sleep better just relax and switch off, if you can.

If you are having trouble switching off at bedtime some light exercise (for example, push ups or sit ups) at bedtime often helps you to relax, unwind and switch off and that often improves your sleep. Strenuous exercise at bedtime is likely to ruin your sleep.

Common OTC sleep aids include Chamomile tea, 5-HTP, Melatonin and Valerian Root.

Sleep enhancing foods include warm milk, turkey, cherries, oatmeal, bananas, wine and others as in

You can see further tips in which tells you "how to fall asleep and stay asleep".


your language makes you seem like a demented charlatan. You need to go to the doctor, get checked, see if you're diagnosed with anything, and follow his instructions. Meds might help.

You need to get your mind off it. Exercise is the best way, especially sports like karate or boxing that will toughen you up as a bonus. Else try video games or rock climbing or w/e. speak to a counselor, and talk to your family about this, talking makes everything better. Only a real human recognizes when they need help. What I always do when I’m sad is watch vine or cat videos and such, or read mike Tyson quotes. The past is the past, wondering about it accomplishes nothing. It’s the future that's important. Focus on the present.

just in case, If you want a purpose in life, try helping others for a change. Lots of people are suffering in the world- and you have the power to help them it’s expected if you're religious. If you do good in the world, then everything will work out for you. Consider lions club international which is a great club where you get to not only help others out, but also meet new friends and potential lovers. It’s great in every way. Or you could even join the police. Don’t be a random good for nothing anybody like everyone else. Be different, be superior. Don’t let evil win.


Sleep anxiety disorder has been on the rise in most regions of the world. The developed nations have at least forty million people suffering from the above condition. In the United States alone, there are more than thirty four million people who suffer from this medical condition.

Sleep disorders arise from lifestyle stress and environmental anxiety. Sleep anxiety symptoms are manifested as apnea, sleep walking, poor sleep patterns and tiredness after waking up.

Identifying the reasons why a person experiences sleep anxiety disorder would help solve this particular illness. It can be caused by an anxiety disorder where a person may lose sleep because he keeps worrying about a particular thing such as going on a trip that he isn't prepared for. It can also be caused by poor sleeping patterns where a person forgoes regular sleep cycle in favor of cat naps. And because of these, a person's emotional, mental and physical well-being can suffer due to lack of sleep.

1- There are a lot of techniques that you can employ in order to resolve this illness. You can pop tranquilizers that can help you sleep. But the problem here is that you can develop drug dependence where in the long run, you won't be able to sleep without taking any medicine. At the same time, these types of drugs has side effects that can harm your body not to mention that they are pretty expensive. For example, the tranquilizer Quetapine Seroquel is known to cause an increase in blood sugar level.

2- On the other hand, you can try anti-insomnia natural supplements to help you sleep as they are believed to have active ingredients that trigger brain chemicals that influence relaxation while it lessens the risk for side effects and drug dependence. Also, they are less expensive compared to traditional drugs. But the thing is, these drugs don't necessarily work as they haven't been scientifically tested and approved by any authorized government agency like the Food and Drug Administration in the United States.

3- Also, you can resort to drinking warm milk at night and even take an aromatherapy bath to help you get relaxed but if unwanted thoughts are persistently in your mind, these would just all be useless as you still feel agitated and restless.

If you want to get to the root of the problem in order to relieve yourself from this type of disorder you need to explore the reasons why you can't sleep in the first place. Check if you are feeling anxious because of a plane you need to catch the next day or because of a dance recital you would be performing in several weeks later. Determine if you had a bad experience or a belief embedded in your mind by others that are somehow related to what you are dreading about and see how you reacted to these past experiences and beliefs. If you reacted to them negatively, then, that is the reason why you are dreading similar situations.

In order to remove these anxieties and fears that you have that causes you sleep deprivation, you need to address these issues by examining if they are real or otherwise. If they are true, then, do what you can to solve them so, you would be able to improve yourself. Else, forget about them as they are not important. This way, you would be able to relieve yourself with all these anxieties and fears that you have and you would be able to finally fall asleep soundly at night.


look at a bedside clock during sleep and you will see that you are getting far more sleep than you think you are
what seems like 5 minutes sleep often is 1 hour


Whatever you've learned about the world around you, it will all still be there in the morning. So you might as well get some sleep in the meanwhile!

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